Participation is not easy to learn. There are no ready-made answers or manuals for every situation and certainly no fixed methods.

Participation is also not easy to understand: but in this studio it means something like 'a collective learning process'. A process in which a group of people organize themselves together to learn about a specific subject in order to initiate a process of change.
The Participation Studios 2.0 are learning paths in which the province of East Flanders, West Flanders, the City of Ghent and urban development company sogent looked for answers, together with UHasselt and Endeavour.

During the learning days, skills were refined and questions were asked, such as: How do you start a process? How do you keep this going? How do you deal with conflict? And how do I adapt my own organization to this?

Vlaamse Vereniging voor Ruimte en Planning, Stad Gent
Universiteit Hasselt
Jakob, Jan, Sophie